Tuesday, January 28, 2014


An encouragement to be aware of God's presence in all aspect of our lives.

I have been reading a book called "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. A mega church pastor's wife who eventually traded in a life of luxury to live a life that more resembles the life of Jesus.

I've, personally, never been one to care much for appearances. I've probably cared less than I should however. More out of laziness than injustice. However, some could argue there have been days as a newborn mother of a newborn and toddler, that what my husband came home to WAS an immeasurable injustice. Poor guy!

So in my recent desire to show the world the same love and grace that the Lord has shown me, I have begun caring more and more about my appearance, out of honor and respect and humility more than out of pride or well... pride. I take time to present myself clean, hair combed, a bit of makeup for some color in these frigid winter months that make me pale as the snow itself, and not only do I put on a bra, but I don't even SAVE the Target special I purchased last week for a special occasion. Nope. I'll wear that $7 beauty just for my sweet, faithful husband. And he appreciates it. Not because he loves me for outer beauty (we have been through far to much for that), but because he recognizes that I cared enough about him to put the effort and time into his opinion of me.

Perhaps in the past I haven't respected his opinion much. Or the world's opinion. Or even God's. Perhaps I was too focused on my own exhaustion, weariness and feelings of anxiety and inferiority, than on serving others. Where is the fun in servanthood after all? Serving God, serving my husband, serving my family. The idea is all well and good, but I was locked in a chains of deceit. Perhaps I would claim serving was my intention, but the reality was I often times based the success on my efforts on what I received in return.

I am aware that many women in the US have the opposite dillema. They care TO MUCH what the world thinks of them. Their social status, the car they drive, how beautiful they look, and who they are able to keep up with in the consumer rat race, but we each have our own battles.

So. This is not a judgement call on how you should dress or what sacrifices God would find pleasing in your life. How could I possibly know what God has asked you to let go of? Fears, shame, anger, bitterness, pearls, clothing, the new cowboy boots you got for Christmas, the infant clothes you've been saving for years, a dream, a desire, a habit. The job that causes you to stumble. The tv show that mixes up your priorities. Now I can handle Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but HGTV sends me into a reno mode with design choices that are only affordable for ACTUAL royalty. So - I'm not saying it's what you watch per se or wear or drive, but what gets your personal flesh raving. Please don't take my Income Property with Scott McGillivray away.

We often associate "blessings" with material objects. At times my facebook timeline are filled with phrases like, "Just got a brand new front load washer/dryer for mother's day! #blessed!!!" (Nothing against front load washer driers! Or even last night after being invited to a Thunder game five rows off the court (not even for the first time), it's tempting for me to tout on the goodness of God! His love endures forever! Look at these awesome NBA seats that would have cost $500 for my friends and I!"

Problem is, I am blessed. I am thankful. God blows my mind every day. He lets me see things through His eyes when I seek His vision. He alone enables me to see the beautiful world He created, even though there are shadows and downright darkness. He alone has taught me that the light is not afraid of the dark. It cannot be squelched by darkness when it is illuminating. It simply causes the darkness to flee.

So. It got me thinking about our many "blessings" (term coined from many a housewife across the MidUSA). Here is a definition (you know how I love definitions) according to Merriam Webster whom I am certain studied it's meaning more than I have had time for (I am, after all, a housewife in the MidUSA). So a definition and of course, a look at the scriptures should settle our minds on what a blessing from God really is.

bless·ed adjective \ˈble-səd\ : having a sacred nature : connected with God : very welcome, pleasant, or appreciated —used to make a statement more forceful Full Definition of BLESSED 1 a : held in reverence : venerated b : honored in worship : hallowed c : beatific 2 : of or enjoying happiness; specifically : enjoying the bliss of heaven —used as a title for a beatified person 3 : bringing pleasure, contentment, or good fortune

So according to this definition, a blessing is something that has a sacred nature or is connected with God. While those basketball tickets are certainly not connected directly with Jesus (although some NBA Thunder fans here in Oklahoma may disagree) the fact that it was a couple from our church who received this as gifts from strangers, and viewed them as a blessing from God, well, we fellowshipped. We thanked Him. We worshipped Him for His goodness! We would have worshipped him anyway, but we His glory was displayed in our humble and gracious hearts.

Matthew 5 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them. The Beatitudes He said: 3 ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 ‘Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Let's be conscious of our many blessings and how we share them with others, that they may edify the Lord and not the object. Let us walk in the discernment as to what constitutes fortitude in His sight. In our hearts, we will know the truth. In His word, we will find it.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Perhaps I am not the most intellectually superior individual on earth. Perhaps my speech not the most eloquent. My college career was sparse at best. Perhaps my past has blemishes. My present, mistakes. My future, regrets. Perhaps I am of no repute. Or ill repute. Or good repute. Perhaps none of those things matter too much. Perhaps the Lord has given me a heart of gold. Perhaps he has given me enough love to move mountains in His name. Perhaps he has given me the mind to impact this world. Perhaps he has given me the desire. Perhaps I am exactly who He intended me to be at this exact moment. Perhaps His love in my heart is all that I need to do the work, whatever that may be. Perhaps the river of love is immeasurable. Not by length, or depth, or how many people's thirst it quenches or what gulf it eventually pours into. Perhaps the moving and winding and splashing is all that matters. At any pace, to any place, with any creature or thing afloat. Or soaking. Either which way.